Monday, July 18, 2011

Leaving Canberra - Thurs 14th July 9AM

It was a cold and foggy morning as the youth from the Canberra Stake waited to board the bus ready for the 2011 Youth Conference. The Conference was being held up in Sydney, with 44 youth, 10 leaders and 4 younger kids (children of leaders)  making the trip. The youth and most of the leaders were heading up in a 54 seater bus, with the remainder heading up in 3 cars. Sister East called everyone into the chapel just before 9AM, where a roll call was done, the Conference rules reiterated, and then it was off. The bus was packed, everyone settled in for a couple of hours watching DVDs on the drive up Fitzroy Falls.

Unfortunately, a number of youth failed to get their registration forms in by the scheduled time, and tried to get onto the Conference during the last week, but by then it was too late. Bus and accommodation were already booked and full. I suppose it's a matter of making sure that you don't wait until the last minute.

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