Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday 14th July - Evening - Fireside

After the Cemetery service project, it was on to the Temple Accommodation where we would all be staying. After unloading from the bus, everyone was called in where Pres Horsburgh gave out the room allocations. It was the chance for many of the youth to meet others from around the Stake that they didn't know.

Brothers McKeehan and Wang had driven up earlier in the day, directly to the accommodation, meaning that fine vittles of tacos and chili were served up for the first night's meal. They were ably assisted by the Horsburgh family, who along with the Easts, had come along as families to assist with the Conference

After dinner, the youth all changed into their Sunday clothes, and headed off to Paramatta Chapel for a fireside. There, talks were given by an Area Authority (Elder Vincent?), Pres Horsburgh, and several of the youth.

After coming home, it took a while for the youth to settle down - a number of the Young men went down to the oval nearby and played rugby, whilst others practiced dancing in the dining room. Eventually everybody started settling down as the leaders sat down for a meeting to plan out the busy Friday activities that wer planned.

I'm a bit fuzzy on the exact details of the Fireside, as our family didn't go. Not long after dinner, Jewel, our youngest, started complaining of a sore stomach. She then proceeded to spend the rest of the evening throwing up. Fortunately, she managed to pretty much get to the toilet or a bucket all 8 times she vomited. We were concerned if she was contagious, if the rest of our family was contagious, that we would no longer be able to help during the big activities that we had planned for the following day, and so on. Brother McKeehan assisted me in helping give Jewel a Priesthood Administration, following which Jewel settled down to sleep.

It was a shame as I am told the Fireside was good. Elder Vincent spoke of the Church members in Papua New Guinea where a Stake had recently been formed. Of the dedication of the Saints in attending Stake Conference. Several having to travel by canoe for 3 days to get to Stake Conference, of others being attacked on their travels, and so. He spoke of the great faith exhibited by these members.

After getting back from the Fireside, some of the boys went down to the neighbouring oval to play rugby, others cleared the dining room chairs and tables to practice dancing, whilst the girls ... actually, I don't know what the girls did. I'm pretty sure many coaxed some leaders to go with them to the shop across the road to buy junk food, whilst the rest presumably socialised.

Eventually, as the night wore on, the Youth settled, and the leaders met together to plan out the busy day ahead for the Friday.

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